Commercial PV panel roofs – Risk factors, and their mitigation, through resilient roof design
It’s never been more critical to understand the performance requirements of PV panel flat roofs.
Our new whitepaper discusses the design of resilient commercial PV panel flat roofs, the market forces driving the rapid adoption of Solar PV, and the views of the insurance industry. Get your copy today by completing the form below.

Featured in this whitepaper
The increasingly popular installation of building applied PV panels on commercial roofs presents unique challenges, especially regarding fire risks but also wind uplift, hail, maintenance traffic and others. This white paper examines the key drivers for commercial PV panel flat roof system specification and looks closely at the design of the flat roof and the various types of roof materials available on the market, as well as how they can help improve the resilience of a PV panel flat roof build-up.
PV panel adoption: market overview and drivers
- Risks associated with commercial PV panel roofs: fire, wind, hail and others
- Regulatory landscape and subsidy
- Mitigation strategies and design considerations
- Enhancing PV panel roof performance with gypsum core roof and cover boards
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